Paul Nash

... was the older of two brothers, both of whom were commissioned as war artists in both world wars. He had attended the Slade School and was a trained artist, while his younger brother John had no formal art training.

Prior to becoming official war artists, both brothers had seen active service on the Western Front. Their experiences and observations are recorded in striking artworks depicting trench life, troop movements and shattered landscapes.

In World War II, Paul Nash was once again appointed as a full-time salaried war artist, but his contract was terminated in December 1940 because some officials disliked his work. A compromise was reached when money was set aside to purchase future works, and Totes Meer and Battle of Britain were the first works bought under this scheme.

It's a risky thing to set questions about one of such a pair (whose works look very similar to me) without mentioning the other. What if someone had answered "John Nash"?

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